So it is official, our little girl is a stubborn 'ol Bond just like her Daddy and her Pa (of course she doesn't get that trait from her mother). When we went for the ultrasound to find out her gender she sat indian style almost the entire time. When we went for the 3D/4D ultrasound last night to see her pretty little face she kept her arms crossed over her face for 56 out of the 60 minutes. The picture above is the only glimpse we were able to catch. That was after I jumped up and down and had the tech and Charles pushing all over my belly to try and wake her up! You can see part of her forehead, her adorable little nose (looks like the Lembo nose to me), eye sockets and her little lips. The blob that is covering her chin is her little hand. Only the portion that is in the box receives a clear image so everything is really just shadows and blur since it was not in the box. We were able to confirm for sure she is a girl and that she has ten fingers and ten toes so that is exciting! We are counting down the days till we get to see her sweet little face in real life. Less than 8 weeks away!!!!!
Well, I think she escaped the Bond nose! If she had it, it would have shown up on that ultrasound! I will say, however, the nose does give you a lot of character...Kate and I should know (or should I say "nose!) She is beautiful....I can't wait to meet her in person! xo Aunt M.