Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Dr. Apt Update

No Addison yet but we went to the doctor today and I am now 4 centimeters dilated and still 80% effaced! Our doctor does not understand why she is not coming, he said she must be hanging on by a string! He also reiterated how low I was carrying....I am FULLY aware of that! I knew our doctor was planning time off in April and I found out today he will be off the week of April 6th (I really really really want him to be the one to deliver Addison). I asked him at what point would he induce me since he has been telling me I should be going into labor for the last month AND no labor yet! To my relief he said that if I have not gone into labor by my Monday morning apt (March 30th 9:30) he will schedule for me to be induced Wed. We all know I am not excited about an April Fool's Day birthday but at this point beggars cannot be choosers. I have to look at the bright side of things...her birthstone will be the diamond which just means she can have mine while I get upgrades!!! Just kidding...I have to make myself feel better about the whole April Fools Day thing, Charles of course thinks it would be great. Let's just hope that she comes on her own before then, I know I would appreciate it and we are all dying to meet her. :)


  1. Oh man.. what do I want more.. An April Fools baby or a non-diamond birthstone birthday?

  2. Son, its either diamonds or shotguns,
