Friday, June 18, 2010

Our First Clinic Visit

Addison had a big day today. Aunt Char Char left this morning while Addison was napping. We really enjoyed having her here. Then Daddy, Addy and I went to the All Children's Clinic to check Addison's blood levels. Her red blood cell count was still in a normal range which was expected but nice to have confirmed. Your RBCs typically last 120 days so hopefully Addy will not need another RBC transfusion for awhile. Platelets last around 7 days and when you receive transfused platelets they usually don't last as long b/c your body destroys them. Addison's platelets after the transfusion were 111,000 and today she was at 39,000. She will go in on Monday to receive another platelet transfusion. This will prevent Addison from bruising and possible internal bleeding if an accident should occur.
When we got home from the clinic Mrs. Sammons and Ashley came to visit. Addison was very excited to see them. She finally started acting like her normal funny self this afternoon and kept us all in stitches the entire time! It was good to hear her giggling, singing and to see her dance. Addison recently learned how to twirl so she will twirl and twirl until she can't stand up anymore! It is adorable. She has entered into the picky "I won't eat ANYTHING you put in front of me" stage. Very frustrating for an already over paranoid parent (just became that way in the last two weeks). The Dr said she was not worried about it as long as she doesn't drop weight and she continues to drink fluids.
Hope everyone has a great weekend. TiTi (Addison named my sister that) and Dan will be here this weekend so Charles and I can go out on a date! Yippee our first one in 3 1/2 months!
Please keep Addison in your prayers. Night Night.


  1. we're thinking of you all....xoxoxoxoo

  2. So sorry to hear about the bad news. We are praying for little Addison that it is just viral and that she will bounce back in no time! Transplant is not a fun experience and we pray you don't have to experience it.

    Best Regards,
    Monique, Eric, Sophie and Maverick :)
