Monday, June 14, 2010

Monday Update

Sunday brought us good news that Addison's white and red blood cell counts were back into normal range and her platelet count was 6,000. Keep in mind that anything under 10,000 has a large margin of error. Either way having the normal red and white cells was encouraging. The Dr was very confused by these numbers and was no longer as confident that Addison might have Aplastic Anemia. We still had the bone marrow biopsy scheduled for today either way to confirm or decline the suspicions.

Charles, Addison and I got little sleep last night. Addison had to be put on IV fluids starting at 2am to ensure she would not get dehydrated while waiting for the procedure since she was not allowed to eat or drink. Then Addison was woken up at 5:45 to give 4 vials of blood for special testing and the routine CBC (complete blood count). Her CBC was not as promising as yesterday's report. Her white & red blood counts were back down below normal range and platelets back to 3,000. Needless to say this roller coaster ride is taking its toll on all of us, but we remain strong for our Addison. We tried to forget about that somewhat negative news and focus on her procedure which took place around 10:40 this morning. I was extremely nervous about the anesthesia and the possibility of internal bleeding due to low platelet count. Besides Addison's foul mood when she woke up it went well and she does not seem to be in too much pain. They took the bone marrow sample through a small incision out of her hip bone via the back of her body right above her diaper. We just spoke to the Dr and he confirmed it is NOT Leukemia! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are so relieved to know it is definitely NOT that.

We will know if it is the Aplastic Anemia tomorrow late afternoon. If it is Aplastic Anemia they have to figure out if it is one of the 3 genetic types. They sent the blood off this morning which will determine that. If it is a genetic type Addison will require a bone marrow transplant. If it is regular aplastic anemia she will remain in the hospital for an additional 5 days to start a round of treatment and it will be about a year process in total. Good news is that this can be curable. Again we pray it is not aplastic anemia and that there is just a virus in her body causing her immune system to attack the platelets. We will know for sure tomorrow.

I know there are so many people out there praying for Addison. We have heard from multiple people she has been added to church prayer lists. We are so very thankful for that and hope you continue to keep her in your prayers for a speedy recovery. She is dying to get in a pool and we hope we can make that a reality for her very soon! (she wakes up every morning saying Pool...Pool....Pool....Poooooooool) :)

1 comment:

  1. We just love you guys so much. So glad you are going home today. Give baby girl kisses for us.
