Sunday, January 3, 2010

Music to my Ears

We have all heard children say Mama and we all grew up saying it. Never in a million years did I know the impact that word would have on me when I heard my daughter say it for the first time! Addison and I woke up this morning and let daddy sleep in. As I was feeding her I was practicing the "ma" syllable with her and I told her I thought today was the perfect day for her to say ma-ma. Sure enough later this morning Addison said Mama. She of course was very proud of her new found ability and repeated ma-ma over and over again. She definitely knows Charles is Dada but I am not convinced she knows I am Mama. It doesn't make hearing her say it any less wonderful.
To make this day even bigger Addison's top left tooth cut through this morning. She only has one in so she looks a bit like a snaggle tooth at the moment! It's ok because she says MAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the new teeth and the new word! You can't have one without the other!! xo
