Friday, April 10, 2009

Weight Gain!

We survived the first week! It has been great having Addy home and adjusting to parenthood. I can't lie, I am starting to get a little tired but all I do is look at her and I know lack of sleep is totally worth it! Aunt Clare has been here this week helping me and it has been wonderful! She has been a big help and made us a delicious meal Thursday night. We took Addison to get weighed again today (she had to go Monday and then again today) since she had dropped to 5 pounds 12 ounces after birth and we are happy to say she has gained back all that she lost and was six pounds 8 ounces this morning! There is no doubt she is getting enough to eat. 12 ounces in 7 days is pretty impressive. Now you know why I am so tired. We are enjoying every minute with miss Addison and can't wait for everyone to meet her. She is perfect and melts our hearts!


  1. She is a love! Great job. Can't wait to get my hands on a little GIRL for a change!

    Love you three....

  2. To clarify, Megan was talking about Addisons weight gain..... not mine! :)

  3. Why is it we're always happy when the babies gain weight, but never happy when we do! You all three look great. Yea baby girls!!

  4. That is wonderful news. so glad she and you two are doing good!
