Today Addy is 3 weeks old! Where does the time go?
Addison is finally starting to get use to her carseat. She does not scream the entire time she is in it anymore, usually 5 or 10 minutes and then she is done (usually passes out!). Daddy and I took her to the park Sunday and walked and she did great. I was able to run 3 errands (if you count Starbucks as one) today and she only cried for about 5 minutes of our hour outing. Everyday brings new and exciting developments. She is starting to "talk" to herself more and it is the sweetest sound! She has always cooed while nursing but now when she has her happy time in her swing or bouncy chair she will just "talk" away. We have to get it on video.
A not so fun development is her lack of sleeping or wanting to sleep in her cradle. When we lay her down she will roll around so much that she wakes herself up and she prefers to be held. This leads to a very long night for mom and baby. Everything I read says it is just a phase and by 6 weeks she should be over it and sleeping better and longer. Let's hope it does not take the full 3 weeks to get over this stage.
Sounds wonderful! Yep sleep at first just sucks. 6 weeks is a huge turning point just just hold out!