Spring has Sprung in the Bond house and so have Ansley's teeth! On Friday Ansley took her first two steps! She is not even 10 months old! She is developing quite a sassy attitude as well. She has this God awful screech she does when she wants something or if something does not go her way. It is so bad I stop and wonder if she is part pterodactyl. :) I am now working diligently on getting her to use her signs for "please", "more" and "all done" instead lieu of screaming. She is using the "more" sign but looks away sheepishly when I tell her to use the "please" one...little booger.

Besides Ansley taking her 1st steps we had another HUGE milestone in our house. Addison FINALLY pooped on the potty. Charles told her when her diapers ran out she was done. No more! Not for pooping or for sleeping in. We cute her off cold turkey...and let me tell you it worked! She has pooped on the potty and has slept in big girl panties ever since. She has only wet the bed once which was totally my fault because I let her have a sip of water before bed. Ding dong, I know! She is getting her big girl bed this week. I will post pics when have it all set up! We did do a tiny weeny bribe to go along with the no more buying diapers thing...we are taking her to Disney World! We have been telling her for months that the princesses don't let little girls in diapers visit the castle. Whatever...it worked! We have our trip planned for March!!! We cannot wait! Most expensive poo EVER but totally worth it!

Addison and I planted some seeds a few weeks ago and after about 4 days they sprouted! I think I was more excited then she was but she makes sure to tell everyone that comes over to check out her Zinnias that she is growing.
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