Saturday, April 16, 2011

Ansley Lottie

Charles & I left our house at 5:15 am and Ansley arrived via C-section at 7:58am Friday morning! Ansley weighed 7lbs 6ounces and is 19 inches long. The Dr had a hard time getting her out, she was NOT ready to leave her cozy environment. She has lots of dark brown (almost black) hair & is sweet as pie. I forgot how magical it is to hold a newborn. She had ingested too much amniotic fluid so was not too interested in nursing since she had a bad tummy ache. All is well now and she is eating and pooping well! Addison absolutely adores her new baby sister Ans-wee and mommy & daddy are so proud and full of love for their two girls. Can't wait to get home and start enjoying our new family of four. Enjoy pics and we hope to go home Monday morning.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome Ansley Lottie!
    Dear Megan, Charles and Addison-
    How wonderful to see the photos of the family of four.
    Blessings to you all.
