Sunday, March 21, 2010

What a Fabulous Weekend

We had a great family weekend. I think we all needed some quality time with each other and we got it! Charles, Addison and I went shopping for Addison's birthday at the local botiques and then at he mall! We tried some of the restaurants around the house, we went for a long walk (Tootsie included) where we saw a baby alligator, we read lots and lots and lots and lots of books and we went to our neighbors last night to have a glass of wine. We ended the weekend with brunch this morning and relaxing around the house and reading MORE books. We really had a wonderful time being with each other and getting familiar with our new town.

The only "toy" Addison is interested in right now are books. We spend hours every day reading the same books over and over. She has her favorites and she has ones she could care less about. It is so sweet! She will grab a book and walk over to one of us and climb in our lap and then have us read it to her....over and over and over again! :) If mommy and daddy need a break from reading she sits on the floor and thumbs through the pages of each book looking at the pictures. This weekend she started pointing to the images when we said its name. Like "where is the bird", and she points to the bird. There is one book that says smell the flowers and she will sniff cute! We are just amazed at quickly our little sponge learns and it makes us so proud to watch her!

1 comment:

  1. she is getting so fun. i love that when you say stuff and they get it!
