Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Best Year Yet!

This might sound silly but I am having a harder time with Addison's birthday then I ever do with mine! I just cannot wrap my head around the fact that our baby girl is turning one tomorrow. Charles and I still randomly say to each other "I still can't believe she is ours!" Addison has been the greatest blessing of all. Being a mother is the most fullfilling and enjoyable job I could have ever imagined. Don't get me wrong it can be exhausting. Charles and I both wake up everyday so excited to be Addison's parents. A year later we still fight over who gets to go get Addy in the morning! Our hearts smile more and more each day because of our beautiful family. I have compiled our favorites pictures of Addison's first year for you to enjoy. It is amazing to see how much she has grown from our little newborn only able to wear preemie clothes to being 12 months old wearing 18 month old clothing!!! I think the most remarkable growth Addison has shown is in her personality. The first 5 months were trying on Charles and I. I think everyone knows how very fussy and "particular" Addison was about everything! She cried more than anything else for 5 straight months! Now she smiles, laughs and sleeps more than anything else! I can't even tell you the last time Addison cried for no apparent reason. Her little personality is so sweet, a little sassy and extremely humorous! She loves to make anyone and everyone laugh and she loves to be a lovebug. She has made up for all those hard times ten fold! Everything she does and has done from the day we found out we were having her is melt our heart and she will continue to do that for forever. Cheers baby girl to a wonderful first year!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Addy Update

We had a big week and our next 5 weeks will be even bigger! Last week we went to Vero for Addison's 1 year doctor apt and Tootsie's vet appointment. When we got to the Dr.'s office they informed us that the state of FL does not allow children to receive their one year shots until they are actually 12 months old or at least 4 days out. We were 6 days out! How frustrating! Why they scheduled us....we have no idea...everyone makes mistakes. Addison will get her shots the Monday after her bday party, we don't want to risk her getting cranky before her party! They had a hard time measuring and weighing Addison since it was her nap time and she was extra fussy! They weighed her at 23 pounds 6 ounces and 30 inches long but they will re-do in two weeks when hopefully Addison will cooperate more! She was now in the 9oth percentile for weight and height!
Tootsie's apt went well but they did inform us she was !!!72!!! Pounds!!!!!!!!!!! Uh-Oh we have a chunky monkey! Diet time! I guess the weight just piles on the older you get...I can attest to that! :)

Aunt Charlotte came to visit this weekend and we had lots of fun. We went shopping, went to the park and read lots of books. The picture below of Addison on her first ride was at Babies R Us. She loved it! Addison picked out those new white sunglasses at Janie and Jack and Aunt Charlotte made mommy buy them for her. :)

This week our sweet baby turns one....still can't believe that is 48 hours away. We plan on going to the zoo Wed and we should have perfect weather. Then our friends are coming over Wed night for pizza and cupcakes! Thursday morning we are jumping in the car for a LONGGGGG drive to Pensacola for a Walker family reunion! That is where my mom's family is from and we are going to learn about our ancestors. I have been working on our family tree and it is truly interesting to see where people are from and to think of what was going on in the world when they were born in the 1600's and 1700's! I am very excited to be able to tell Addison where her family came from and what they did! I just need to work on ALL sides of the family next. We look forward to enjoying Easter weekend in the pan handle.

Next week we head to Vero for Addison's birthday party. The following weekend we have my good friend Kristi's wedding in Vero. Charles and I are actually staying in a hotel baby free! Wohoo!!! The next 3 weekends after that are followed with school and weddings as well so we are super busy till the middle of May. Then we will need a vacation from all our vacations!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Pretty in Pink

We were playing dress up this morning...well half dressed up! :)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

New Pics

Look at that belly! I love the stairs!!! Uh-oh Mommy Caught Me!

What a Fabulous Weekend

We had a great family weekend. I think we all needed some quality time with each other and we got it! Charles, Addison and I went shopping for Addison's birthday at the local botiques and then at he mall! We tried some of the restaurants around the house, we went for a long walk (Tootsie included) where we saw a baby alligator, we read lots and lots and lots and lots of books and we went to our neighbors last night to have a glass of wine. We ended the weekend with brunch this morning and relaxing around the house and reading MORE books. We really had a wonderful time being with each other and getting familiar with our new town.

The only "toy" Addison is interested in right now are books. We spend hours every day reading the same books over and over. She has her favorites and she has ones she could care less about. It is so sweet! She will grab a book and walk over to one of us and climb in our lap and then have us read it to her....over and over and over again! :) If mommy and daddy need a break from reading she sits on the floor and thumbs through the pages of each book looking at the pictures. This weekend she started pointing to the images when we said its name. Like "where is the bird", and she points to the bird. There is one book that says smell the flowers and she will sniff them....so cute! We are just amazed at quickly our little sponge learns and it makes us so proud to watch her!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

St. Patrick's Day

We had a great St. Patty's Day here in Tampa. Addy looked cute as ever in her green shirt from Grandmommy! We ran some errands then Miss Leslie came to visit from Vero! Leslie stayed the night with us and we had so much fun spending time with her. Addison had spaghetti last night and she was being such a ham I had to take pictures and share with you all! Hope you had a great green day! Love to you all!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Finally New Pictures!

Addison, Daddy and I are all loving Tampa so far. The new job is wonderful and the house is coming along quite nicely. Here are some new pics of Addy. The palm tree walkway is right outside out front door and there is a fountain Addison LOVES to stick her fingers in! Hope all is well. Can't believe our pnut will be 1 year in two weeks! :(

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Moving On

After 4 and a half hours of watching two grown men climb up and down 4 flights of stairs to unload everything Charles, Addison and I own we are officially residents of Hillsborough County! Being the trusting wife that I am I let Charles choose the house we are going to live in for the next year without even seeing it! I must say my husband has impeccable taste (probably from the 6 years of training)! Our house is lovely. Our kitchen is out of my dreams and it is located in a fun, trendy, urban setting! You walk outside our front door and walk to the left and there are cute little boutiques, cafes and a Sweet Bay (grocery store) right there too. Best of all we feel like we live in a safe family friendly area!

My fabulous mother-in-law flew in last night to help Charles and I unpack and watch her wonderful grand daughter. Addison loves the new house...really she just loves trying to see if she can make it to the stairs before one of us catches her! Addison has enjoyed playing with Grandmommy.

Pictures of the house to come.....stay tuned.......