Addison's 1st tooth has broken through (just barely)! Her two bottom middle teeth appeared out of no where Monday. One has slightly broken through and you can feel the sharp tip but the other is staying tucked inside her gum a little longer. We can see both of them and are very excited for our little Addy! She ran a fever Tuesday but other than that she seems to be doing great! She refuses to let anyone feel them or look at them but as far as I can tell her gums are not swollen, red or anything so that is great!
Addison's newest milestone is standing while holding onto something. Yesterday I propped her up against the couch and she actually took 3 steps along the edge of the couch while holding on. She also let go for about 2 seconds and stood all by herself then grabbed the couch again so she wouldn't fall!!! Very exciting!!! It is crazy how everyday seems to bring something new with her.
We enjoyed our first bout of cool weather this past weekend. Addison takes after her mama with sensitive skin, she had a tiny patch of eczema appear on her chest. She has always enjoyed being outside and is mesmerized by the wind rustling the trees! She is loving the fall weather!!!
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