Happy Halloween from the Bond Family
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Pumpkin Patch
Monday, October 26, 2009
Daddy Daughter Love
Thursday, October 22, 2009
We have a Toofer and Standing Tall!

Addison's 1st tooth has broken through (just barely)! Her two bottom middle teeth appeared out of no where Monday. One has slightly broken through and you can feel the sharp tip but the other is staying tucked inside her gum a little longer. We can see both of them and are very excited for our little Addy! She ran a fever Tuesday but other than that she seems to be doing great! She refuses to let anyone feel them or look at them but as far as I can tell her gums are not swollen, red or anything so that is great!
Addison's newest milestone is standing while holding onto something. Yesterday I propped her up against the couch and she actually took 3 steps along the edge of the couch while holding on. She also let go for about 2 seconds and stood all by herself then grabbed the couch again so she wouldn't fall!!! Very exciting!!! It is crazy how everyday seems to bring something new with her.
We enjoyed our first bout of cool weather this past weekend. Addison takes after her mama with sensitive skin, she had a tiny patch of eczema appear on her chest. She has always enjoyed being outside and is mesmerized by the wind rustling the trees! She is loving the fall weather!!!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Girl Time
Addison and I have started watching my girlfriend's 4 month old Ava on Mondays and Fridays. This past Friday was our first day and it went rather well. I was a bit nervous and it was somewhat overwhelming but the girls had a great time playing together and that makes the work totally worth it! Plus Ava, unlike Addison, is a wonderful sleeper and took a 3 hour nap! Maybe that will rub off on Addy! :)
Caleb's Swing!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Social Butterflies
Addison and I have had a very busy and fun week. We spent the weekend in Jacksonville celebrating Daddy's birthday and Caleb's birthday. We had a delicious dinner and cake for Daddy's birthday and then he got to play golf with Uncle Adam. Caleb's party was super fun and Addison enjoyed seeing her cousin and his friends! She also got to swing in his outside swing and she LOVED it. I went online and bought one ASAP, still waiting for it to arrive. I of course am a genious and forgot my camera in Vero so I used Jessica's camera for the weekend. I will post pictures when I get them from her!
We went to a baby sign language class Wednesday at our local library with our friends Heather and Ava. We learned lots and it is now going to be a weekly date for us! There were lots of other babies there and Addison really had fun watching all of them and listening to them but she wanted to play with them too. Addy doesn't really understand that she is not mobile yet and likes to leap for things she wants and then she goes.....BOOM! It is kind of funny but also a painful lesson for her to learn. She doesn't really cry much she just focuses harder on trying to figure out how to get what she wants!
Today we went to Buggy Boot Camp. It is a bootcamp for moms with kids in strollers. It was intense and VERY hot. It took place outside and was a great workout. Addison got a little fussy toward the end so I got to do my squats while holding her...nothing like a 16 pound weight to really make me feel the burn!
We got Addison's 6 month pictures back today from our photographer. We took some in the studio and some at the pumpkin patch. Addison is typically very stingy with her smiles but we got some great ones on camera...FINALLY! They turned out great!
We went to a baby sign language class Wednesday at our local library with our friends Heather and Ava. We learned lots and it is now going to be a weekly date for us! There were lots of other babies there and Addison really had fun watching all of them and listening to them but she wanted to play with them too. Addy doesn't really understand that she is not mobile yet and likes to leap for things she wants and then she goes.....BOOM! It is kind of funny but also a painful lesson for her to learn. She doesn't really cry much she just focuses harder on trying to figure out how to get what she wants!
Today we went to Buggy Boot Camp. It is a bootcamp for moms with kids in strollers. It was intense and VERY hot. It took place outside and was a great workout. Addison got a little fussy toward the end so I got to do my squats while holding her...nothing like a 16 pound weight to really make me feel the burn!
We got Addison's 6 month pictures back today from our photographer. We took some in the studio and some at the pumpkin patch. Addison is typically very stingy with her smiles but we got some great ones on camera...FINALLY! They turned out great!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Addison's Baptism

Addison was baptised yesterday in the St. Helen Chapel by the same Deacon that married Charles and I. It turned out to be a very special day. Charles and I felt so blessed when we saw all of our friends and family there to support Addison in her passage into the Catholic Church. We never in a million years expected as many people to come that actually did. The chapel was so full we had to get folding chairs so everyone could sit down! Deacon Joe made it extra special for us and Addison was in happy spirits the whole day. I can't even put into words how touched we were by every one's presence, it really touched our hearts. Thank you!
My sister Clare is officially Addison's Godmother and we are so thankful she was happily willing to take on that responsibility. We are confident that if we ever slack off on our Christian duties she will pick up our slack!
The ceremony was followed by a delicious brunch at my parents house. That was a huge success too! I think we all ate enough food to last a week but it was very tasty. Grandaddy and Mimi were very generous in opening their house up to host the party, they should get a gold medal in being the best host and hostess ever!!! Grandmommy, Pa, Aunt Brett, Aunt Charlotte and Uncle Adam all made the trip down for the baptism too. Addy just loved all the attention from all her family and friends! All in all it was a marvelous day and it really re-affirmed just how blessed we all are to be surrounded by such a wonderful group of people.
My sister Clare is officially Addison's Godmother and we are so thankful she was happily willing to take on that responsibility. We are confident that if we ever slack off on our Christian duties she will pick up our slack!
The ceremony was followed by a delicious brunch at my parents house. That was a huge success too! I think we all ate enough food to last a week but it was very tasty. Grandaddy and Mimi were very generous in opening their house up to host the party, they should get a gold medal in being the best host and hostess ever!!! Grandmommy, Pa, Aunt Brett, Aunt Charlotte and Uncle Adam all made the trip down for the baptism too. Addy just loved all the attention from all her family and friends! All in all it was a marvelous day and it really re-affirmed just how blessed we all are to be surrounded by such a wonderful group of people.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Happy Half Year Birthday!
Addison is officially 6 months old! Can you believe it?! We can't! Addison has been making great improvements lately in the sleeping department. I am scared to jinx myself by telling you about them. We have been implementing the Ferber method to get Addison to sleep better. She had been waking up five and six times a night and it got to be too much for me, I physically could not get out of bed anymore. After three straight weeks of 4 hours of sleep a night Charles and I decided we had to teach our baby girl how to sleep on her own without my help. Looking back I think I was the one not ready, not necessarily Addison. It was a hard few weeks but I am happy to say that now we put Addison to bed fully awake and she does not cry at all and falls asleep on her own happy as a clam! She still wakes briefly once or twice in the middle of the night and Charles goes to her to reassure her and she falls back asleep! She is sleeping on average 8-9 hours straight which is honestly better than winning the lottery!!! Well....maybe not better but it is very exciting that after 6 months of no sleep I am finally starting to feel rested!
We went to Addison's 6 month check up on Wednesday and she weighs 16 pounds 2 ounces and is 26.5 inchese long! Our doctor was amazed at how strong Addison is with her pulling herself up, rolling over and sitting up. She was NOT happy about her shots and she did run a low grade fever from them. We opted to hold off on her flu shot until next week but she will definietly be getting one as will I.
It is so fun to play with Addison now that she interacts so much. She is so focused and intense with everything she does. She is determined to learn and loves being challenged. She is starting to figure out that her walker allows her to move around on her own. Tonight we were playing with her music station that is also a push behind toy on wheels. She has not shown any interest in standing or pulling herself up but tonight she discovered the bright orange handle on it and just pulled herslef up and stood behind it! I told Charles it will only be a couple of weeks before she is actually walking behind it! It truly is amazing how each day brings such huge milestones for babies and we love watching Addison achieve new ones everyday! I think we get more excited that she does!!!!
We went to Addison's 6 month check up on Wednesday and she weighs 16 pounds 2 ounces and is 26.5 inchese long! Our doctor was amazed at how strong Addison is with her pulling herself up, rolling over and sitting up. She was NOT happy about her shots and she did run a low grade fever from them. We opted to hold off on her flu shot until next week but she will definietly be getting one as will I.
It is so fun to play with Addison now that she interacts so much. She is so focused and intense with everything she does. She is determined to learn and loves being challenged. She is starting to figure out that her walker allows her to move around on her own. Tonight we were playing with her music station that is also a push behind toy on wheels. She has not shown any interest in standing or pulling herself up but tonight she discovered the bright orange handle on it and just pulled herslef up and stood behind it! I told Charles it will only be a couple of weeks before she is actually walking behind it! It truly is amazing how each day brings such huge milestones for babies and we love watching Addison achieve new ones everyday! I think we get more excited that she does!!!!
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