So I did try to update the blog after Addison's and my weekend in Jacksonville but right when I was finished with my heartfelt post the computer froze so I gave up! Here is a short and sweet version. It was a weekend of firsts.
Addison and I took our first road trip to visit Aunt Charlotte and see my girlfriend Danielle from college. Danielle came down from Charlotte, NC to meet Addy for the first time. We had a great weekend and it was nice to spend time with an old friend and get some relaxing girl time. I know Addison enjoyed her one on one time with Aunt Charlotte too. We also saw cousin Caleb, Grandmommy, Pa, Aunt Jessica and Uncle Adam.
Addison seems to have flipped her switch as far as letting people hold her and play with her. Sat when in Jax she was letting Charlotte and Danielle play with her and she wasn't crying for me to hold her. Ever since that day she has been great with everyone which is a huge relief to me because I now I get a break..still no bottle though! But at least the separation anxiety has seemed to dissapear for the most part or at least minimize greatly! She also started sitting up at Charlotte's! She can now sit up unassisted for about three minutes before she topples over. It is really funny because she thinks she is mobile so she gets ready to crawl and then she realizes once she falls over that she is stuck! So cute!
So don't judge but I have been without sleep for 5 months now and since I was at Charlotte's house and had this big bed to myself I let Addison sleep with me and of course she slept the whole night! I will admit I loved every minute of it and her face was so precious snuggled up next to mine but that was a one time thing and now that I got a night of sleep it is back in her crib for good! What a mean 'ol mommy I am!!!
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