Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Mysterious Bruises

Calm down Pa, no one is beating your granddaughter! So the other day I was freaking out because Addison had this small bruise on her arm. I thought maybe I buckled her into her car seat a little too tight and that is what caused it. Well Monday my friend Ashley was holding Addison and she fell asleep while sucking her arm (she had just nursed for 45 minutes so she was NOT hungry!). When Ashley put her down Addy's entire arm was black, blue and red. Come to find out hat bruise was not a bruise at all....Addison gives herself hickeys!!!!! Crazy I know. She refuses to suck on a pacifier so she sticks with her arms and hands. I don't know if you can see it in the picture, I took this yesterday so it had faded a bit.


  1. What makes you think I'd like hickey's on my granddaughter any better than bruises?

  2. I think that is a riot! And cute too, of course! Love, Great(est)Aunt Martha

  3. Guy used to do that! No further comment.....
