Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hello Double Digits!

Addison had her two month check up today and she now weighs 10lbs 2 ounces and is 22.5 inches long! She is also starting to wear 0-3 month clothes instead of just newborn. This is very exciting seeing that she has a lot to choose from in the 0-3 month section of her wardrobe. The doctor said she is perfect and she did really well with her first immunizations (I am pretty sure it was harder on me than her). She screamed while the shots went in and then the second Daddy picked her up she was happy again. She has been extremely fussy and needy all day but that is to be expected after the morning she had!

I was sad to hear that the doctor did not offer any miracle cure to Addison's terrible sleeping habits. She is still going to sleep in the crib but once midnight rolls around she wants nothing to do with it. She will go back to sleep for an hour maybe two (I said maybe) then she is up again. Really she is not even asleep for that full time because she will lay there wide awake for about 30 minutes before she falls asleep..then she is up wailing again. I decided last night I would do all her feedings from a bottle to see if she was truly hungry when she woke up to eliminate the thought of a growth spurt (a reasonable thought). Well she ate a full meal at midnight but when she woke up at such luck. Then she woke up again at 3am and ate almost a full meal but not quite and then woke up at 5:20 and ate a little. Then she slept until 8am when daddy woke her up to get ready for her doctor's apt. I guess those two nights I had of her only waking up twice are long least for now. I just hope she is not turning into the nighttime snacker. During the day she does great only eating every 3-3.5 hours but when that sun goes down she just wants to be attached to me...weird I know. Lucky ME!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Grandmommy & Auntie Poo Visit

Grandmommy and Aunt Poo came down yesterday to watch Addison so I could go to a girlfriend's wedding since Charles is in Key West at a wedding living it up (yes he owes me BIG)! I am so lucky to have such a great family and Addison is lucky to have so many people love her.

Usually Grandmommy has this special power over Addison and she morphs into this perfect baby (oh wait she already is perfect baby!) that does everything I can never get her to do....well her powers were temporarily out of order yesterday because Addison threw away her normal routine and refused to nap all day therefore leading to Captain Cranky Pants. I felt bad for Grandmommy and Charlotte since Addy was not being my perfect angel baby like she usually is! I do blame the weather. It has been raining in Vero for the past 4 or 5 days making it super dark all day long and I think Addison got her days and nights confused. They did get to see Addison smile a bunch so that was worth the trip down!!!

The wedding I went to was super fun but there was a 4 month old little girl there and she made me miss Addy terribly so I was home by 7 o'clock just in time to put her to bed and enjoy Reva and Charlotte for a bit. Now I have to pray that Addison did not sleep in her crib all night just because Grandmommy was here...she has done that to me before!

Our little girl is growing up!

Why is that children love to make liars out of their parents? Please disregard the previous three posts (except the mystery bruise one) because Addison slept ALL NIGHT in her big girl crib on her BACK! I have been re-introducing the crib to her every night at bedtime for the last week or so. About 4 days ago I realized that by the time her 8:30 bedtime came around Addison was already really fussy and only wanting to be held. I moved her bedtime up to between 7-7:30 and ever since I did that she now plays in her crib for about thirty minutes and then falls asleep on her own!!!! She is back to waking up three times a night (instead of two) to eat but I think (hope) she goes back to two maybe even one when she gets more comfortable in her crib. She had only been sleeping in her crib until her midnight feeding and then wanted nothing to do with it but last night she went right back to sleep after she ate each time!!! Yay for progress!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Mysterious Bruises

Calm down Pa, no one is beating your granddaughter! So the other day I was freaking out because Addison had this small bruise on her arm. I thought maybe I buckled her into her car seat a little too tight and that is what caused it. Well Monday my friend Ashley was holding Addison and she fell asleep while sucking her arm (she had just nursed for 45 minutes so she was NOT hungry!). When Ashley put her down Addy's entire arm was black, blue and red. Come to find out hat bruise was not a bruise at all....Addison gives herself hickeys!!!!! Crazy I know. She refuses to suck on a pacifier so she sticks with her arms and hands. I don't know if you can see it in the picture, I took this yesterday so it had faded a bit.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

All Smiles!

Down to Two a Night!

Last night was the first night in seven weeks I didn't have to wake up at least 3 times to feed Addison. I fed her at 8:15pm and she went to bed at 9 and woke up at 1:00am and then again at 5:15am! Wohoo!!! I see sleep in my future...hopefully! When she did wake up to eat you would have thought she hadn't eaten in 3 days. Poor Charles was woken up by Addison's eating it sounded like we had a pig in bed with us...followed by trumpets of gas!

Solved one problem with a new problem!

So we finally figured out that Addison does NOT in fact hate her crib, cradle and swing to sleep in and she is NOT just a Mama's girl who always wants me to hold her. She just hates sleeping on her back...put her on her stomach and she will sleep for hours! When she is on her back she startles herself awake and she doesn't know what to do with her arms and legs so she just keeps them out in front of her waiving them in the air. It is fun to watch until the tears come.One problem solved and new one appears..SIDS recommends that all babies sleep on their backs. So until our pediatrician tells us it is safe for Addy to sleep on her stomach she will be sleeping on me. She is lifting her head and moving it from side to side so hopefully it won't be too long. At least now we know Addison won't be trying to sleep in our bed until she is 10 years old!

Monday, May 11, 2009

My New Toy!

Daddy put together Addison's play mat. The picture to the right is kind of like "Where's Waldo...Where's Addison". She looks so tiny on that thing!
Addison has finally started being interested in her mobile over her swing and the toys that hang from her carseat. She absolutely loves them! She also smiled at us for the first time Friday. We were worried it was just gas but when we kissed her faced and made funny noises she would smile again so we are counting that as a real smile!!! She just gets more and more fun with every passing day.

Happy Mother's Day!

What a lovely Day! I hope all you mothers out there had a wonderful day as well. Charles already updated the blog with what we did I will just add the pictures! I am so thankful and blessed to have such an amazing family!!!!

1st Road Trip to Jax!

OK OK So it has been awhile since I updated the blog! I am sorry, I have this new thing called being a MOTHER that takes up quite a bit of time! :)

Anywho, the May 1st we went to Jacksonville. Our first road trip with Addison! Lets just say the drive up was the LONGEST 3 hours. Addy cried most of the way there even though I was sitting next to her. The ride home however, she slept the entire 3 hours!
Charles & I left Addy for our first date night Friday May 1st. We went over to Andrew & Lynn's for dinner and then the 4 of us went to the Taylor Swift concert. Reality sunk in as Charles and I watched thousands of tween girls running around screaming for Taylor Swift that we are actually parents of a daughter!!!! Then we just kind of sat there in shock as it hit us that one day we will have the argument with our precious perfect daughter about what she is NOT allowed to wear!!!! I must say there were more 13 year old girls dressed sexier than I ever dressed on a night out on the town. Charles contemplated asking these girls if their father knew what they were wearing but decided not to. Oh the challenges that lie ahead!
Addison got to stay with Grandmommy and Pa. It was nice to finally have some "us" time but we ended up leaving the concert early because we missed our angel and we were the oldest people at the concert by about 10 years (at least).
We had a great weekend and it was awesome for me to get out of our house. As usual we had lots of great food and it was nice to be back in Jax Beach with the Bond Family!

Happy Mother's Day!

I know... I know.... 13 days and NO UPDATES? Believe it or not this whole parenting thing takes up more time than my cousin Erin has let on. Clearly she must be an alien that needs no sleep and update her blog with all the crazy updates while Ross is sleeping!

Anyway... Mother's Day was great. We did some things that Megan had been wanting to do for a while. We went on a long walk in the hot, Florida sun... Went shopping for some new shorts... went to church... and ended the night at the Lembo's for a nice turkey dinner.

We have some pictures that I am going to have you harass my wife about putting up on the blog. My baby girl is growing up so fast. She has little fat creases on her legs now. How cute! :)