Sunday, May 24, 2009

Grandmommy & Auntie Poo Visit

Grandmommy and Aunt Poo came down yesterday to watch Addison so I could go to a girlfriend's wedding since Charles is in Key West at a wedding living it up (yes he owes me BIG)! I am so lucky to have such a great family and Addison is lucky to have so many people love her.

Usually Grandmommy has this special power over Addison and she morphs into this perfect baby (oh wait she already is perfect baby!) that does everything I can never get her to do....well her powers were temporarily out of order yesterday because Addison threw away her normal routine and refused to nap all day therefore leading to Captain Cranky Pants. I felt bad for Grandmommy and Charlotte since Addy was not being my perfect angel baby like she usually is! I do blame the weather. It has been raining in Vero for the past 4 or 5 days making it super dark all day long and I think Addison got her days and nights confused. They did get to see Addison smile a bunch so that was worth the trip down!!!

The wedding I went to was super fun but there was a 4 month old little girl there and she made me miss Addy terribly so I was home by 7 o'clock just in time to put her to bed and enjoy Reva and Charlotte for a bit. Now I have to pray that Addison did not sleep in her crib all night just because Grandmommy was here...she has done that to me before!