Friday, November 23, 2012

Being Thankful

It is so easy to take things for granted. This Thanksgiving we have been reminded of that and have really taken a step back to look at everything in our lives we are so very grateful of. We have two beautiful daughters, we are surrounded by a loving family and great friends, we have a lovey home and Charles has a job he thoroughly enjoys. Monday, Charles received a call from his dear friend Danny who lives in Tampa. He informed Charles that his youngest daughter, Brittany was just diagnosed with stage 3 Hepatoblastoma (tumor in the liver). She is 15 months old and absolutely sweet as pie. This of course hit very close to home for Charles and I. We are so deeply saddened by this news and are praying with all of our being that Brittany fights with all she has to kick this cancer to the curb. Thinking of what they are going through and the long road ahead hurts my heart and brings tears to my eyes mutiple times a day. I am writing about this for two reasons. First, I am asking everyone I know to pray. Pray like crazy for this little bundle of love to fight! She can overcome this and she WILL. Second, is to make everyone stop and count your blessings. Brittany's mom, Vanessa, has started a "blog" that I am sharing so you remember to pray for them. The Bergin's were a huge part of our support system in Tampa when Addison was sick. They visited often and Addison played with Brooke and Brianna multiple times a week. We wish were still in close proximity to them so we could do more to help. We hope everyone had a fabulous Thanksgiving. We of course ate too much and enjoyed the company!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Fall Fun-Part 1

Can you believe Halloween has come and gone and Thanksgiving is already 3 weeks away? I recently got yelled at by the "blog police" (thanks Lynn) and rightfully so. Life in general has just kept us super busy. Charles continues to LOVE his job, his 1 yr anniversary was Oct 1st! I love that he loves his job but it takes him away from us girls a bit more than first anticipated but I feel we have finally adjusted to the new "norm" and are doing great. Addison has adjusted completely to going to school and I feel we have a done a good job making sure she realizes that this school thing is a priviledge for her to go so it makes her appreciate it and look forward to it. I am trying hard to avoid the negative school stigma in hopes that she will continue to look forward to school the older she gets. (wishful thinking I fear but I will ride this positive train as long as I can) The crafts she brings home make my heart swell with pride and love for that little sassy thing! Her biggest new accomplishment is she can write her own name, Addison not Addy, and count to 30! You go girl!!! Ansley is officially our climber. She is climbing up on anything and everything. She moves chairs halfway around the house just to see if she can make it on top of somthing. Here is a list of what I have found her on top of: kitchen counter, bathroom counters, kitchen table, coffee table, beds, her play kitchen and my all-time-favorite was her trying to climb the tower of Addison's princess castle. REALLY!? Her other new favorite thing is jumping off her play house to hang from a monkey bar. Needless to say there is no playing out back without an adult standing out there with my little acrobat. She is C-R-A-Z-Y!!! Who needs a boy when I have her? She loves catching lizards & frogs, picking her nose, tooting and climbing. Thank goodness she has beautiful blue eyes and a knock 'em dead smile or I would start to worry! Other than this fabulous climbing stage she is seriously the sweetest thing! We took the girls to SeaWorld a few weeks ago when Charles had a work thing in Orlando. The trip started off rocky so I should have been prepared for a disaster. Both girls had nasty runny noses, Ansley had begining stages of a stomach bug and they were cranky but we had our tickets purchased so no backing out. We get to SeaWorld at 11:45 not realizing Shamu was at 12 and if you didn't get there in time they locked the entrance once the show we missed Shamu (OK blame mom for poor planning...I get it). We were not in the park more than 15 minutes when Ansley has a blow out. When I say blow out, I mean it! Poor thing couldn't even drink water without it going right through her. Her spirits were pretty good. Addison was perfectly happy petting and feeding the stingrays and walking through the aquarium. We did get to see one show. All in all, for the money, SeaWorld is not our favorite place. They did hit up the candy store on the way out for being very well behaved. We then go to dinner where Addison gets a Shirley-Temple with about a dozen cherries....candy, sugar, cherries, sprite, more sugar.....yes! she threw up all over her bed while sleeping. Gross I know, but she was a champ about it and that is only the 2nd time she has ever thrown up. So here we are in a hotel with one child with projectile diarrhea and the other puking. Nice!!! The rest of the weekend was enjoyable thanks to crackers and gatorade for both. My favorite line Addison said the whole weekend was on our drive home she was singing Carry Underwood "Blown Away" and she stops and says "Mommy, when am I going have a pretty voice like Carry's?" How sweet is that!!! Oh, and thank goodness she doesn't understand those lyrics! much more to discuss like my amazingly beautiful perfect sweet niece Brooke, our Halloween party and trick or treating....this post long enough. Will continue later if that is OK with the "police"! :)