Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Power of Prayer

First I have to THANK everyone for your continuous prayers. I know Addison has many many prayers being said daily for her recovery and she is on numerous prayer lists around the world (literally). Without these prayers we would not have had the CBC results we did today. Addison's WBC was 2.9 (1.9 Friday) with neutraphils being 1000 (highest they have been since late May), RBC 10.0 (they were 9.3 for past 2 weeks) and her platelets remained unchanged at 48 (this is good that they did not decrease...her body might be leveling out and platelets are the last thing to increase).

Those results are not back into normal range (red blood is in the low range of normal) but they are steadily increasing which is all we want! We pray and pray and pray everyday for them to continue to rise to normal levels so that Addison can go back to enjoying her life like a normal 16 month old can! We are so grateful and now we are on our way to vacation in the Keys! I think we all need a little relaxation and something to get our mind off of everything! Today is 15 days since her last platelets transfusion! Hopefully she will not need another one ever again (except to get surgery to remove her port!) :)


  1. To God be the glory...great things He hath done!!! Y'all enjoy your vacation, you deserve it.

  2. Amen! I am so glad you get to go to the Keys. Have a great trip!!!!

  3. Yay! I cant wait to see you guys!! The Keys will be a blast! We love you guys! Love, Lauren, Aaron, and Iannica! :)

  4. Such good, good, good news! We're looking for you in October! Fun day at the farm...
