Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Greatest Gift

Hello Everyone! You all know Charles and I welcomed Addison Diane into the world Tuesday march 31st at 10:25 pm. She is the most precious gift God has ever blessed us with and I cannot even begin to explain how much we love her.

I woke up Tuesday morning at 5:50am freaking out about everything I needed to get done that day before I was to be induced Wednesday. I had been having some lower back pain for a few days and Tuesday it was a little stronger but I did not think anything of it. Instead I got out of bed and cleaned out both vehicles (can't have my baby coming home in a dirty car), then I cleaned the house (AGAIN) and did a load of laundry. I went and had breakfast with my girlfriends Jessica and Terra. After that I was on a mission to get everything for Charles for Easter since I knew I wouldn't be able to go shopping next week. I ran a bunch of errands and finally got home around 3 o'clock. My back was killing me and I just decided I could not do anything but lay on the couch and be grumpy! Charles was expected to be home around 5:30. Once he got home I looked up signs of back labor...I was not convinced I was in labor since I was not having any pain in my abdomen. I took a hot shower and that helped but when I got out the pain in my back was extremely intense. Charles tried to help me but I really did not want to be touched. I called the Dr and asked about it and he said to go ahead and come in the hospital to be checked. I did not want to call everyone and tell them I was going to the hospital b/c I was not convinced I was in labor...I was in pain but didn't know if it was labor pain. We got to the hospital around 7:30pm, they took us to Labor and Delivery and hooked me up to monitor my contractions around 8:15..they were a MINUTE APART and lasting about 60-90 seconds and I was 6 centimeters. Guess I was in labor!!! At 8:30 my water broke. Let me just tell you that I am so happy I was at the hospital and not at my house when that happened. People who say it trickles out...LIARS! The doctor on call was not my OB but his partner. He came in and assessed me and Addison's heart rate was very high. It has been for the last 9 months consistently around 130 and Tues night it was at 189. He gave me some drugs to reduce my contractions to see if she would respond to that and she did not. Her heart rate showed that she was in dis stress so the Dr. decided he needed to do a C-Section to get her out safely. Charles was absolutely amazing in the Operating Room. He actually watched the Dr take Addison out of my belly and he also cut the umbilical cord! I was so proud of him. Hearing Addison cry for the first time was music to my ears. I could not see anything since they had drapes all around me but hearing her cry told me everything was OK! Charles took Addy to the nursery to clean her up while the sewed me back up. I had to be in the recovery room for an hour by myself so I did not actually get to see Addy for about 2 hours. My parents, Guy & Reva and my sister were all there to welcome Addison into the world. Everyone else came into town the following day. This has been such a great experience and we are loving every minute of it!


  1. Oh Megan! Your experience sounds amazingly similar to mine when Kate was born! Will have to swap stories someday. I'm just glad she's here and you're both well. Love you!! Aunt M.
