Sunday, July 4, 2010

Officially in my Late Twenties

I turned 27 Thursday. I remember my fabulous sister-in-law telling me years ago that 27 was the age she really started noticing her body was aging. Great! Thanks Char Char. Honestly now that I have a child my birthdays are really just another day. I had a much harder time dealing with Addison's 1st birthday than my own and that is OK with me! I did have a very nice day. Charles had to be in Orlando VERY early in the morning so he woke up at 4:45 which means I woke up at that time too. Boo. After about 4 cups of coffee I spent my day with a very beautiful, sweet, loving and funny princess! We had tea parties with her magical stuffed animals and read book after book! It was wonderful. Then Mimi came over to watch Addy so I could go get my hair done (a favorite thing of mine to do!). Then Charles returned from Orlando and we went to a nice Steakhouse with our good friend's Clint and Jenn. It was an over priced delicious dinner! It was just nice to see them again. They just moved to Tampa from Vero too and their little girl Katie is 6 weeks older than Addy but she goes to daycare so we have not really gotten to see them since Addy's immune system is so fragile.

The weather yesterday was horrible! It rained from sun up to sun down. I am hoping to see the sun a bit today to help us celebrate the 4th of July!!! Happy Fourth of July!!! Our friends Campbell, Lindsay and their new 4 week old Campbell the 3rd are coming over to grill out on Charles's new grill! We figure Addy and Baby Cam will not being sharing toys and they are so aware of germs being around baby Cam that Addy should remain germ-free! And mommy and daddy get some more social time! Wohoo! We got Addison some crayons and coloring books and she LOVES to color! She is so proud of her finished product and she feels so important carrying around her crayons for hours. (we all know that will stop the minute she puts that crayon to my wall!) :)

Also, our brother-in-law Corey got a HUGE promotion!!! He is now the principal of his high school in Jax. He is only 30 years old and a principal!!! How awesome is that?! Charles wanted to know if he could be a guest speaker at his school one day! Typical Charles.


  1. I think I just saw a wrinkle on your forehead. . . .

  2. And this is why we love Aunt Char Char.....BRAT!

  3. plus gray hair! i love Addy's pics. Glad you had a good b-day and thanks for a shout to Corey!
